Picture Categories
- Amphibians
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- Yellowstone National Park
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Blue Jay Blue Jay Canadian Geese Carolina Chickadee (with a treat for some babies) Dickcissel Dickcissel Male Downy Woodpecker Ducks in a row! Eastern Blue Bird Goldfinches Great Blue Heron Hummingbird Hummingbird Mourning Dove Northern Bobwhite Northern Cardinal Pileated Woodpecker Female Red-bellied Woodpecker Red-headed Woodpecker Juvenile Red-headed Woodpecker Seagulls Male Summer Tanager Juvenile Male Summer Tanager Trumpeter Swan White Pelican Wild Turkey Yellow-throated Warbler
Deer on Ice Rubbing Noses Double Take! Double Take! Part 2 I’m Outta Here! Telling a Secret Grace in Motion
Bridal Wreath Spirea Cornflower Creeping Phlox Monarch in Crimson Clover Crocus Eastern Redbud Hibiscus Honeysuckle Passion Flower Water Lilies
Trametes versicolor
Turkey TailAmanita muscaria
Fly AgaricLycoperdon echinatum
Spiny PuffballAmanita virgineoides
False Virgin’s Lepidella
Bumblebee in Purple Deadnettle Cicada Clearwing Moth on Deadnettle Dragonfly Eastern Pondhawk Dragonfly Eastern Tiger Swallowtail Leaf-footed Bug Monarch in Crimson Clover Nessus Sphinx Moth on Hyacinth Silver-Spotted Skipper
Eastern Cottontail Hoppin’ Down the Bunny Trail The Better to Hear You With
Fence Lizard A Snake in the Grass
Stealth Mode How Cute Am I?! The Gray Ghost
Yellowstone National Park
Yellowstone National Park Yellowstone National Park Yellowstone National Park
Sioux Falls, South Dakota