Blessed are the people to whom such blessings fall! Blessed are the people whose God is the Lord! Psalm 144:15
If you have ever taken a look at my website or read any of my blogs, then you know that I love experiencing the outdoors through the lens of my camera and then sharing with you how each photo points to our marvelous Creator – his power, his wisdom, his gifts for which we should always be grateful. I am continually amazed as I observe my Father’s world, and my goal is to glorify him through the messages I write. As everyone is well aware (unless you happen to be Jared Leto after coming home from a twelve day silent meditation in the desert), things are different in the world right now because of COVID-19, coronavirus disease 2019. We’re all having to make adjustments in our daily lives, and we don’t really enjoy the inconveniences, necessary as they are. I have been grateful, though, for all who have shared on social media about the blessings they have discovered along their journeys “into the unknown” world of social distancing. (Yes, my granddaughter loves Frozen II, and I love to hear her sing “Into the Unknown!”) I pray that you all take some time each day to count your blessings and identify new blessings you’ve discovered through your modified daily routines.
I also hope that you all take some time each day to pray for people all over the world who have lost dear loved ones during this pandemic and for those who are still battling the illness. Pray for those racing to develop a vaccine and to find effective treatments for the symptoms of this sickness. And please take time to remember in prayer those who must continue to work so the rest of us can still have access to necessities, who must work to care for our sick family members, who must work to care for our elderly loved ones, who risk their own health and their own lives by doing their jobs. My husband, a package car driver for UPS, is one of those people still required to work, so, as you pray for the strength and health of all the “essential workers,” I would certainly appreciate any prayers you could send up for him. Lastly, don’t forget to pray for those who wish they could report to work and who may be wondering how they will provide for their families. Never underestimate the power of prayer!

It seems that my activities during this past week have revolved around the letter “c” (like Sesame Street is brought to you today by the letter “c”). I have been cleaning, coloring, crafting, cooking, and, of course, consuming calories! So I thought I would continue with that theme in my blog today, by counting my blessings and sharing some photos of those blessings.
I count as a blessing every frog that peeps,
every bee that buzzes, every bird that cheeps.
I count as a blessing every butterfly,
every bud that blooms, every cloud in the sky.
I’m grateful to God for the mountains tall,
for the rivers long, and the rains that fall.
I’m grateful to God for the oceans’ waves,
for towering trees, and mysterious caves.
I count as a blessing the deer that abound,
the seasonal changes, and crops in the ground.
I count as a blessing a turtle in a shell
and the sun that rises each day without fail.
I’m grateful to God for the rabbit that hops,
for furry squirrels, for webs with dew drops.
I’m grateful to God for things I can’t photograph,
like the beautiful sound of my granddaughter’s laugh.
I count as a blessing the memories held dear
of loved ones gone on and no longer here.
I count as a blessing the smell of spring flowers
and the scent in the air after gentle showers.
I’m grateful to God for his lasting care,
for his Son and the cross Christ was willing to bear.
I’m grateful to God for his grace, which is endless,
for promises kept and undying faithfulness.
I count as a blessing Christ’s church, his bride.
I’m grateful to God I can live since Christ died.
I know that many of you have already been counting your blessings and making the most of these difficult and different times. Another thing that was different for most of us yesterday (Sunday) was the way we worshiped, so I imagine that we are all thankful for the blessing of technology that made live streamed sermons and services possible. At first, I wasn’t sure how I felt about worshiping in this way, but now I can say with certainty that it was a bigger blessing than I ever imagined it could be. After listening to the sermon our preacher had prepared, my husband and I decided to sing a song before having communion. I guess we weren’t exactly sure how we would conduct ourselves for worship, or we would have chosen a song beforehand. Ironically, the first song that came to Robert’s mind was “Oft We Come Together,” but it turned out to be the most appropriate song anyone could have chosen. As we sang the words “Help us Lord, thy love to see, may we all in truth and spirit worship thee,” we had the most personal and intimate worship service we’ve ever experienced. Not because no one else was present. But because we could feel the presence of and strong connection to Christians all around the world who were worshiping in similar fashions. After communion, we concluded with another song and a prayer. The song that came to Robert’s mind this time was “Blest Be the Tie That Binds.” I sadly admit that I sometimes inwardly sigh when this song is led as a closing song for a worship service. Maybe you can relate. It’s just that I’ve probably sung it a thousand times, and, somewhere along the way, I quit paying attention to the words. But God recaptured my attention yesterday! Every word of that song had new meaning and touched us both deeply. We struggled to finish singing the song as tears were flowing down our faces. I feel now that this song will always be a favorite.
Blest be the tie that bind our hearts in Christian love;
The fellowship of kindred minds is like to that above.
Before our Father’s throne, we pour our ardent prayers;
Our fears, our hopes, our aims are one, our comforts and our cares.
We share our mutual woes; our mutual burdens bear;
And often for each other flows the sympathizing tear.
When we asunder part, it gives us inward pain;
But we shall still be joined in heart, and hope to meet again.
by John Fawcett
The Lord truly helped us yesterday to understand and see his love and to worship in truth and spirit. We felt the tie that binds us together and shared the common fears and hopes of Christians everywhere. We came to understand the pain of being apart and look forward to meeting together again – hopefully soon!
So please continue to count your blessings during this pandemic. Find new blessings for which to be thankful. These different times provide new ways to serve, to show Christ’s love, and to let our lights shine. I know many of you are already taking advantage of these opportunities and bringing blessings to others, so may we all continue to grow closer together as Christians, as communities, and as a country, while we practice social distancing.

Loved it, Dana.
Thank you, Aunt Ruth!
Dana, I so needed this! Thank you so much for your beautifully written words! Your pictures are pretty amazing as well! Love you so much 😘
Thanks for your sweet words, Melody! Love you!
This is my favorite (so far). You have a gift from God with words and an ability to share your beautiful photos so perfectly together. Thank you for sharing with us!
Thank you, dear friend! Thanks for always being my cheer leader! ♥️♥️
Beautiful as always you are our calm in
This storm. Bless you and your family.
Thanks for those sweet words, Dianne! Love and miss seeing you guys!