About Me

“Go out, go out I beg of you and taste the beauty of the wild. Behold the miracle of the earth with all the wonder of a child.” Edna Jaques

My granddaughter and the squirrel – each checking out the other!
He already loves being outside! Soon, he will be exploring the outdoors with me too!

My name is Dana Barber, and I am a retired high school science teacher with a love for God and His beautiful creation. I have been married to my high school sweetheart for 36 years, and we have two amazing sons, 2 wonderful daughters-in-law, and a cherished granddaughter and grandson. I don’t call myself a photographer, but I love taking pictures of the world around me. When I’m outside with my camera, the cares and stresses of the day disappear. I see things in more detail through my lens, and I’m always reminded of God’s power and constant presence. I can’t help but feel better after a walk with my God in His world! I hope to share my feelings and photos through this site and also to glorify God and share His word in the process.

“Of all the paths you take in life, make sure a few of them are dirt.” John Muir

She’s a little taller now!
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